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16 November 2009

A promise

How could you be so resolute in something so crucial? And you say you don't even know why. And I know how your faith in the uncertainty of what is to come holds back your promises, yet here you are with a promise.

20 August 2009

Fear is good

Fear is good. It keeps pushing you upwards and generally keeps you alive. But if you let it control you and you don't have someone to help you through, it will kill you. Yes, kill, literally.

15 May 2009

Later is bad. Umkay...

And I put off and I put off and I put off for later. When I was five and I could start reading I read something my late grandfather put up on the wall. It read "Never do tomorrow what you can do today." I remember being quite perplexed with the doing things tomorrow part. Mom explained it to me but I was still confused, what with not having any idea of deadlines and stuff like that. Today I put off studying for exams or doing assignments up till the last few hours. I have even stayed awake the whole night putting off packing. Now that's bad.

Spiders are bad. Umkay...

I just found out I'm afraid of big spiders - the big ones with the long legs. The small ones are cool. Sure I found a spider with a body two thirds the size of my fist in my bathroom last year (I used the bathroom on the other side of my hostel for a week after that) but you're supposed to be afraid of any insect or arachnid that big, right? Anyway this spider I saw had long extra thick legs and my skin crawled as I saw it scurrying out underneath the door. I took the most toxic thing I could find in my room - my deo spray - and sprayed all four sides of the door. That's probably bad for my health but it was worth it. Anyway I'm going home tomorrow for a two month summer break - yesss!! And little cat kittens are cute. But cats are mostly stupid. Dogs are smart though.

18 April 2009


Today I realized how attached I've become to my PC. My PC broke down last night and blatantly refused to start up again. I came back from the lab today all in-the-mood-to-lay-back-like and suddenly I found I had nothing to do. I couldn't watch Scrubs, I couldn't read a Conan issue, I couldn't find my laidbackness. Then I went downstairs and found people to talk to, and it was counfusingly surprising. Socially incapable animals like myself were never meant to have so much help being unsociable *sigh*

Anyway I can't wait for 6.60 Damn you IceFrog you sincere fool. And I can't wait for D3 Damn you Blizzard you arrogant genius.

21 January 2009

A daydream

I'm a fool, and I'm drowning. Mountaintops and the bluest of blues. I can't sleep. I wish I was a song. Tomorrow is a dreadful place, it brings change. I see green everywhere. I look forward and all I see is a blur, I couldn't care less. A new place to escape to, and not just another place to escape to. Who knew words could be so magical, and never enough. An emerald in my hands.