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15 May 2009

Later is bad. Umkay...

And I put off and I put off and I put off for later. When I was five and I could start reading I read something my late grandfather put up on the wall. It read "Never do tomorrow what you can do today." I remember being quite perplexed with the doing things tomorrow part. Mom explained it to me but I was still confused, what with not having any idea of deadlines and stuff like that. Today I put off studying for exams or doing assignments up till the last few hours. I have even stayed awake the whole night putting off packing. Now that's bad.

Spiders are bad. Umkay...

I just found out I'm afraid of big spiders - the big ones with the long legs. The small ones are cool. Sure I found a spider with a body two thirds the size of my fist in my bathroom last year (I used the bathroom on the other side of my hostel for a week after that) but you're supposed to be afraid of any insect or arachnid that big, right? Anyway this spider I saw had long extra thick legs and my skin crawled as I saw it scurrying out underneath the door. I took the most toxic thing I could find in my room - my deo spray - and sprayed all four sides of the door. That's probably bad for my health but it was worth it. Anyway I'm going home tomorrow for a two month summer break - yesss!! And little cat kittens are cute. But cats are mostly stupid. Dogs are smart though.