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23 November 2008

Let it slide

Nobody is perfect. Like most ultra-cliched phrases its true. Anyway, I used to be something of a perfectionist. I like to think I've gotten over it. But then there isn't a really defined line between being a perfectionist and not being one.

I used to seek perfection in the games I played on my pc. I would reload until i got everything right. Then I found I had much more fun just letting things slide and accepting imperfections for what they are, not only while shooting aliens in the head, but in life in general.

Being a perfectionist or a control freak (one and the same don't you think?) has a lot to do with being lonely on the inside (and also on not finding satisfaction in your everyday life, but that's a totally different subject.) So when you find someone doing something some other way than you would like it done, let it slide and find someone to chat up :)


Calliopia said...

Good philosophy that. I've learned to use it myself. Lesser stress every which way.

DayDreamBeliever said...

i work with a bunch of perfectionists and before I knew it, it had rubbed off on me too. This is a much needed reminder to take things easy. Thanks.