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20 March 2007

Laments of the outcast

People live life with so much ease. Everyone seems to belong to this world. They are exactly where they are supposed to be. They know exactly what to do at the right place and at the right time. And they are able to identify and decode the encrypted unspoken messages sent through some social gestures or whatever. But not me.
Me? I'm the odd one out - the extra - i am where i am because whoever put people in their places knew this place is as good as any for me. I'd be awkward anywhere. Maybe not in the south pole alone but he/she has a heart too. I am like the ugly gift you got from someone and you had to display it somewhere, anywhere.


Calliopia said...

Sorry to startle you but I just had to say're still young and I felt exactly the same way at your age (and a few years after). I always felt like a complete social klutz but I'm not sure when exactly I started to feel more at ease in company and I still have those blue funk moments occasionally. Suffice it to say that you're not alone, you're not weird, you're perfectly normal. Trust me :)

Van said...

Well well - someone's actually reading my blog ^^
Anyway thanx - thats comforting...

Anonymous said...

People should read this.