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11 April 2007

Where i come from

Exceprts from my post in a thread about racism:

"We have such a tightly woven society of our own most of us find it difficult to allow any changes to it, which is exactly why we cluster toghether in groups anywhere we go, trying to create a mini version of this society. Then from the safety of these societies, we lash out hate and prejudice at people who don't think the way we do."


Calliopia said...

I agree that Mizos are a closely knit society and I also agree that we can be pretty racist. But show me a race that isn't racist. It's sth that's just inbuilt in a community of people.

Van said...

Mizos are pretty much the biggest racists i know. And the thread where i posted this was actually discussing racism against mizos. The thing is that most of us are very prejudiced against certain people - especially back at home. But when the tables turn and we experience the same thing, we can't stand it and cry out Racism.