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24 November 2007

Exams again!!

Exams again. Same old one semester in one night shit. My GTalk status message reads "Why?" I've pinpointed the problem in my life. And like a good human being I put the blame on others. Maybe its because i don't have that initiative crap to solve it. Or maybe I'm just writing shit cos I'd do anything but study right now.

This christmas I want a whole box of 'sleep pills' (not sleeping pills) with different dosages - preferably 3 hours and 7 hours.
Two thirds of the box for 3 hours and the rest for seven hours.

1 comment:

DayDreamBeliever said...

hey, I hope the exams went well. Just dropping by to let you know that I'm into coffee and choco biscuits, (and introverts) too... :)