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13 October 2008


Water water everywhere
But not a drop to drink

Famous lines by a person whose name was a memory so brief I don't think it even qualifies as a memory. I could have easily googled it out but I choose not to. If you ask me there's too much information out there. I remember when information was precious. There used to be a certain snobbish satisfaction to knowing something the next guy doesn't. Now he just googles it out and pop goes your snob bubble. I guess being able to filter all that info and put it to good use would be the next edge. Thats evolution to you

Now about those lines, there are so many times they have changed to something else in my head, like 'People people everywhere - But not a single person to talk to.' ... or something else. I can't remember anything else they changed to right now. Typical. Oh well a post is a post


Calliopia said...

I think that comes from Coleridge's longish poem The Rime of the Ancient Mariner - about the curse of an albatross on a ship crew. Studied that years ago in college. I remember it had a lot of alliterations. Like The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew/ The furrow followed free etc. Yep, google does make things a bit too easy but then on the other hand it's so useful for a quick look-me-up

DayDreamBeliever said...

Hey I actually taught that poem a few months back! The imagery is so vivid, you end up feeling really parched after reading it. I agree about the information overload.But then I'm addicted to the Net, so there's a lot of unnecessary info lodged somewhere in my gray cells. Maybe it'll come in handy one day.