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18 December 2010

My pie of uncomfortable

I've accepted myself as an introvert. I am no longer ashamed to be the guy who doesn't talk so much. I can sit awkwardly alone at gatherings and be totally fine with it. But here's the problem: most people aren't comfortable with me being comfortably uncomfortable in social situations. They try to make me feel better. What they don't realize is that in their attempts to reach in and smother my core of uncomfortable, they peel away the outer crust of comfortable (which smells like freshly baked bread) and announce the ugly insides for everyone else to see and judge.

Now I seem totally ungrateful. So I'll say I don't despise these acts of magnanimity; I've done the same things myself. The thing is if someone is awkward and um... inthlahrung, you should just let him or her be comfortably awkward and most importantly, never ever EVER direct everyone's attention to said awkwardness.

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